Cate Lewis, AWSA Vice-President, reports on eucoco35bcn

barcelona.JPGTogether with 36 other countries, Australia made the 37th country and the 4th continent represented at the 35th EUCOCO in Barcelona.
The European conference coordinating support for the Saharawi people has well and truly become international with many African and Latin American countries sending delegates as well as some Eastern European countries not usually represented including Russia, Poland, Slovakia and Croatia.
A large number of parliamentarians met with the Catalan parliament and formed the first international parliamentary group in support of liberty and peace for the Saharawi people.

A large banner with an image of Aminatou Haidar was signed with messages of solidarity for her, on hunger strike in Lanzarote airport waiting to return to her home town of El Aaiun, including one from Australia.

The picture shows Cate Lewis, the AWSA delegate, meeting the Saharawi president, Mohamed Abdelaziz, who gave the closing address. The conference finished with a moving song by Mariem Hassan, “the voice of the Sahara”.