“Robbed of Truth” : Australian Media Premiere

cgep-img_1364.JPGOn Monday 19 December Carlos Gonzáles introduced his new film at the Centre for Ideas at Victorian College of the Arts, part of Melbourne University in the presence of its director, Dr Elizabeth Presa (see photo).

Entitled “Robbed of Truth”, the documentary examines the claim in the earlier Australian film “Stolen” that slavery is widespread in the Saharawi refugee camps. Carlos, who had been the camera man during the second visit of the Australian filmmakers of “Stolen”, retraces their steps meeting the main characters in the film such as Fetim Salami and her family to find out how the film he thought would be about family reunion turned into a film about slavery.

It is a masterful documentary, carefully crafted and meticulous with the truth. Carlos takes nothing for granted and reports only what he finds.  These qualities of the film were much appreciated by the Melbourne audience of about 50 people who asked many interesting questions afterwards. The discussion session was introduced by Carmela Baranowska, an award-winning Australian documentary maker and lecturer in media studies at the Australian Catholic University.

Many thought this fine example of a discussion of the ethics of documentary film making should have a continuing role in the education of young filmmakers around the world.