Human Rights Council, 28 Feb 2013
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Among the recommendations, these ones apply particularly to WS:
97. With regard to Laâyoune, Western Sahara, the Special Rapporteur recommends that the Government:
(a) Investigate promptly all allegations of torture and ill-treatment during
and after demonstrations and at the Prison of Laâyoune; hold the perpetrators
accountable and provide compensation to the victims;
(b) Reconsider the jurisdiction of the military court over civilians in the case of the 23 Sahrawi men detained at Salé Prison 1 and assure that as a principle. civilians are not sentenced by military courts;
initiate impartial, effective investigations to ascertain exactly what occurred and determine what responsibility should be borne by members of the police or security forces;
and investigate all allegations of torture and ill-treatment;
(c) Find ways and means to further strengthen protection for
internationally recognized human rights by, inter alia, inviting the United Nations
special procedures mechanisms; strengthening engagement with civil society and the
national human rights institution; and facilitating the presence of international
(d) The entire region would benefit from a robust regional inter-governmental human rights monitoring
mechanism as an important confidence-building measure which can help to
improve the situation with respect to human rights observance and
particularly with respect to the prohibition on torture and other cruel, inhuman and
degrading treatment or punishment.