Australia Western Sahara Association is hosting Mohamed Mayara, a journalist, political activist, human rights defender and trade unionist who lives in occupied Western Sahara.
Mohamed will visit Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. The tour is generously supported by Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA.
Mohamed is the co-founder and coordinator of the collective of independent journalists Equipe Media that aims to document Morocco’s repression against those who work for a free Western Sahara. He has been persecuted, arrested, tortured and unfairly dismissed from jobs. He continues to be threatened and regularly receives death threats.
Mohamed is committed to advocating for the rights of the Sahrawi people. His commitment is deeply rooted in personal history, having witnessed the pain of disappearances and persecution within his family.
Mohamed is available to speak at events and give interviews. For more information see https://awsa.org.au/, or call Lesley Osborne 0439 363 010.
Other information:
You can support the ongoing educational activities and crucial humanitarian relief by donating through Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA:Support for Western Sahara
Forthcoming events in Sydney and Canberra 16 – 26 June
SYDNEY / WARRANE 16-22 June **AWSA Facebook: Share events with friends
Sunday 16 June, 1.00pm*
Palestine Rally, supported by Palestine Action Group Sydney
Mohamed Mayara is one of the listed speakers.
Belmore Park near Central Station
*Check link above in case the time has changed on the day.
Monday 17 June, 6 pm
Panel Discussion – Life under occupation in Western Sahara & the pathway to freedom
Maritime Union of Australia,
365-375 Sussex Street, Sydney
Mohamed Mayara, Convenor, Equipe Media. Ntina Tzouvala, Associate Professor at the College of Law, Australian National University. Other panellist tbc
Free event; Refreshments available; Donations welcome
Supported by MUA, APHEDA and GLW
Wednesday 19 June, 12.30 pm
Western Sahara & the struggle for human rights today More information
ABS Case Study Lecture Theatre 2080.
Level 2, University of Sydney Business School (H70)
Cnr Abercrombie St and Codrington St, Darlington
Screening of 3 Stolen Cameras, in which members of Equipe Media fight to keep their cameras in Western Sahara. Followed by a Q&A and discussion with Mohamed Mayara, coordinator of Equipe Media, Assoc.Prof Lynette Riley, Chair of Aboriginal Education and Indigenous Studies, USyd., and Rand Darwish, Palestinian advocate and community organiser, working on intersectional solidarities, with the student movement and in film.
Free event; Light Refreshments served after the event; Donations welcome.
Supported by NTEU, APHEDA
Thursday 20 June at 5.20 pm
Workers rights – human rights in Western Sahara
Auditorium at Trades Hall, entrance via 377 Sussex Street, Sydney
A short talk by Mohamed Mayara, human rights defender, journalist and trade unionist.
Sponsored by Unions NSW
Saturday 22 June, 2 pm – Blue Mountains (Download poster)
Film screening and discussion
Africa’s last colony – a desert for journalists
Leura Uniting Church
Cnr Grose St and Megalong St, Leura
Screening of 3 Stolen Cameras (17 mins) in which members of Equipe Media fight to keep their cameras in Western Sahara – followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with Mohamed Mayara, Kamal Fadel, Western Sahara Representative in Australia and New Zealand, and Kathie Herbert, Chairperson of the Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group (BMRSG).
This is a free event; Donations welcome. Afternoon tea provided
Supported by Australia Cuba Friendship Society, APHEDA
Wednesday 26 June, 6 pm (Download poster)
Panel discussion and a short documentary
ANU Latin American Students’ Association and Australia Western Sahara Association will host a screening of 3 Stolen Cameras, a documentary on Western Sahara resistance to Morrocan occupation. Panel discussion with Mohamed Mayara, Saharawi journalist, Kamel Fadel, Western Sahara Representative in Australia and New Zealand, and Leah House, Black Peoples Union.
ANU Copland Building
24 Kingsley Pl, Acton ACT 2601
The event is free.
Events held in Adelaide and Melbourne, 3 – 15 June
Tuesday – Thursday 4-6 June
ACTU Congress 2024
MELBOURNE / NAARM (Download poster) 9-15 June
Monday 10 June, 6.30 pm
Dinner and exhibition of Saharawi artwork.
Meet and greet Mohamed Mayara, journalist and Human Rights advocate.
The Lomond Hotel,
225 Nicholson St, Brunswick East
$45.00PH 2 course Menu (dietary requirements catered for) Drinks at bar prices.
Please note, there is limited seating available.
Book at: https://www.trybooking.com/CRUCY
Wednesday 12th June, 6.00 pm
Panel discussion focusing on decolonization and Western Sahara, Africa’s last Colony.
Trades Hall
54 Victoria St Carlton
Mohamed Mayara, journalist, human rights defender and cofounder of Equipe Media will be on the panel along with Dr Randi Irwin, anthropologist and lecturer at University of Newcastle focus on struggle for Western Sahara and natural resource theft.
Guest Speakers to be announced.
Free event, donations at the door welcome.
Supported by PEN, MUA, AWU, Ballarat Trades Hall, APHEDA.
Book at: https://www.trybooking.com/CRUDD
Thursday 13th June, 6.00 pm
On Courageous Speaking – Film Screening and Discussion
78-80 Curzon St, North Melbourne
Screening of 3 Stolen Cameras, in which members of Equipe Media fight to keep their cameras in Western Sahara. There will be a discussion afterwards with Mohamed and Dr. Evelyn Araluen, co-editor of Overland. Evelyn is a Goorie and Koori poet, editor, researcher, and acting chairperson of the Institute of Postcolonial Studies Board of Directors.
Booking details to come, visit: ipcs.org.au
AWSA Facebook: Share events with friends