Category Archives: Oil and gas exploration


MEDIA RELEASE, January 2009
The Government of Western Sahara declared an offshore exclusive economic zone (EEZ) making official its exclusive rights to the oil, gas and fisheries resources offshore of the territory of Western Sahara.

The EEZ law, delineating the exclusive economic zone and the maritime areas of the SADR, was unanimously adopted by the Saharawi National Council (parliament) on 21 January 2009.
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Hans Corell addresses Pretoria conference and provides new impetus to the resources campaign

The International conference on multilateralism and international law, with Western Sahara as a case study, was held in  Pretoria, South Africa, on 4 and 5 December 2008.  The new clarifications by Hans Corell in his paper to the conference may give fresh impetus to the resources campaign. See press release below from the WS Resource Watch network. Corell’s paper can be downloaded in pdf form.

More information and papers at>>