Highly successful Australian tour by WS human rights advocate Tecber Ahmed Saleh!

Balmain fundraiser lunch Tecber Ahmed Saleh and Kamal Fadel. Photo courtesy of Michael Hanna

Tecber Ahmed Saleh’s tour of Australia has been a great success. Thank you to all those who attended the public events in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.

The New Zealand tour is currently underway from 5-16 October – NZ events

Below is a summary of the main press coverage in Australia

Print and online media
Interview with Tony Iltis in Green Left Weekly on 13 September 2019:

Jacqueline Maley: Lunch with activist Tecber Ahmed Saleh Saturday 14 September 2019

Ben Doherty : Foreign interference fears after Sydney University cancels Western Sahara Speaker 22 September 2019
[The event was transferred to the University of Technology of Sydney on the same day and time as previously planned.]

Tim Ginty: An exiled nation; Saharawi advocates call on the world to support self-determination for Western Sahara, Global Voices 4 October 2019

Jon Faine : Conversation Hour with Damien Kingsbury and Tecber Ahmed Saleh 11 September 2019

Philip Adams Late Night Live Monday 2 September

Jan Bartlett Radio 3CR, on Tuesday 10 September. Tecber’s interview is about 40 minutes in: