Monthly Archives: May 2011

Geelong Advertiser 10 May ‘Activist targets Incitec Pivot’

Activist targets Incitec Pivot
Geelong Advertiser (Regional Daily), Edition 1 – First  Edition
TUE 10 MAY 2011, Page 010
AICHA Dahane says people in her  native Western Sahara are hurting and Geelong’s  Incitec Pivot phosphate operation is multiplying the pain.
The human rights  activist visited Geelong yesterday, sharing a plea for awareness and action  over what she branded as illegal exporting of rich phosphate rock from  Moroccan-occupied West Sahara by Pivot and other  companies.
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Western Sahara: Winning the “war on words” and avoiding actual war

NewsTime Africa 6 May 2011
“People will easily be able to sympathize with our issues, but they need the information first.” Senia Bachir Abderahman is talking about the situation in the refugee camp that she grew up in and the frustration that her family and most of her fellow Saharawis (Western Sahara’s indigenous population) cannot escape from this refugee camp because their country is colonised by Morocco. (continued…)

Article at:

Australian tour of Aicha Dahane: Human rights activist and International Officer for Forum Future for Saharawi Women

aichabwp1020345.JPGAicha’s tour dates:
Melbourne 5-11 May
Canberra 11 May
Sydney 12-18 May
Perth 18-22 May

The Australia Western Sahara Association (AWSA) has invited human rights activist from Western Sahara, Aicha Dahane, to visit Australia.
In her role as a human rights defender for Western Sahara while a law student in Rabat, and because of the involvement of her brother, Brahim Dahane, president of the ASVDH (Saharawi Association for Victims of Human Rights Violations by the Moroccan state) in political activism, Aicha was subject to serious pressure, intimidation and harassment by the Moroccan regime. As a result she sought political asylum in the UK in 2002. Aicha is in daily contact with her family living in occupied Western Sahara, a life she knows well and which she shared for 28 years.

Melbourne program 6 & 10 May >>

Sydney program 12 – 18 May >>

Perth event, Thursday 19 May 6:30pm, Reception Room, Fremantle Town Hall