Ardern Urged To Play A Positive Role In The Decolonisation Of Western Sahara

Scoop Independent News – Politics, Wednesday, 23 December 2020, 10:31 am

Press Release 23 Dec 2020:  Kamal Fadel, Polisario (Western Sahara) Representative to Australia and New Zealand

As New Zealanders prepare for Christmas and enjoy food grown using fertilisers from Western Sahara, we hope they spare a thought for the Sahara people who continue to face serious challenges in occupied areas and refugee camps.
On December 10, President Trump announced that the United States in return for Morocco’s establishing diplomatic relations with Israel, would recognise its claim to Western Sahara, a Territory considered by the UN as Africa’s last colony whose people are entitled to the right to self-determination. (cont.)

Kamal Fadel: Press Release